Due to increasing migration flows, which more and more involve households and not only individuals and family reunifications of migrants, it is now common to find carers across Europe who have a migrant background.
CO.S.M.I.C aims to support informal carers with a migrant background, a group which is at double risk of exclusion, discrimination and stigmatization.
Migrant carers in common with carers more generally, work tirelessly in support of those they care for, often without recognition and to the detriment of their own health and well-being.
The CO.S.M.I.C. project will develop methods and tools to support carers and professionals working with them, in order to:
• increase recognition and self-identification,
• support access to available services and improving the attention to cultural diversity in existing services in countries such as Norway, Italy, Greece and Slovenia where the topic is still under-explored and under-developed.
In doing so, the project will adopt a user-led approach with carers with a migrant background directly involved as contributors and reviewers in every stage of the process, to make sure that the outcomes developed are actually respondent to the needs of the final beneficiaries (themselves).