Pårørendealliansen (PAN) (Project coordinator) Norway
is an umbrella organization for informal Carers and all that matters to them. PAN was founded in 2014 but our work started in 2016, when we were given means to do a Carer survey. We got 3.127 answers in that survey and it brought a lot of competence to where informal carers are having trouble and what they wish could help them more. The Survey was based on the Carers UK State of caring.
We have now done our 2nd survey for 2017 with 6.029 answers. We see this as a result of our network and ability to reach out and meet meet carers where they are – in social media and organizations.
The 2 employees in PAN have background from Eldercare and Mental Health Care and are experienced leaders and managers from business as well as NGOs. The board members supply with experience from Young Carers and addiction, as well as from the area of stroke, cancer and chronic diseases.
In 2018 we opened up for member organizations to join under the umbrella. In just 8 weeks we have gotten 14 organizations to join, representing the number of about 540.000 people. We have a goal of 25 organizations for 2018.

Anziani e non solo società cooperativa sociale Italy
ANS is an NGO located in Carpi (Northern Italy) and funded in 2004 with the goal to promote interventions in the field of social innovation, with a specific focus on management of projects and realization of services and products in the field of welfare and social inclusion.
The activities carried out by Anziani e Non Solo concern different social domains, such as:
- Training and support to family carers, informal and formal/ adult and young carers
- Support to social and professional inclusion of migrants and asylum seekers, with a specific focus on migrant women
- Active ageing, intergenerational activities and support to frail and dependent elderly
- Support and empowerment of disadvantaged
young persons: skills development, social inclusion and school to work transition - Prevention of elder abuse and discrimination

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Center Greece
KMOP is one of the oldest Greek NGOs with 40 years of experience in the provision of services to disadvantaged groups. KMOP’s main areas of expertise include social welfare and health, employability and human rights protection, scientific research and the development of know-how in social policy issues. Apart from direct provision of services through decentralised community based facilities (Three Group Houses and one Day Care Centre for mentally ill as well as counselling centres in various towns), KMOP is also actively involved in both national and EU/international projects addressing social issues particularly focusing on low-skilled youth and long term unemployed, victims of violence and trafficking, disabled, elderly, migrants and minorities.

Associazione C’ENTRO Italy
Associazione C’ENTRO is an umbrella organisation gathering different non-profit entities. It was established in 2013, with a view of formalising and consolidating an ongoing system of collaboration in the provision of welfare services. The main objective of the association is the development and the experimenting of innovative wolfare forms, deeply rooted in local communities and geared towards social promotion, participation and inclusion. In particular, the Association intends to support and facilitate the action of all different subjects involved in care and assistance, with a view to accomplishing the organic integration of all the resources present in the community.

University of Ljubljana Slovenia
The University of Ljubljana (Univerza v Ljubljani, UL), established in 1919, is a public autonomous educational, research and artistic HE institution with rich tradition. It encompasses 23 faculties and 3 art academies. UL ranks among the top 500 universities according to the ARWU Shanghai ranking and among the top 3% Universities in the world according the Times ranking.
STUDY – On the European scale, by number of students, UL ranks among the largest HEI with more than 40.000 students. It covers all ISCED areas in the first and second cycle study programs and leads the way in some new developments in technology and research.
UL fosters basic, applied and developmental research, and strives to achieve excellence and the highest quality as well as to fulfil the highest ethical criteria in all areas of the sciences and arts. By number of employees UL ranks as medium-sized HEI and employs approximately 5.600 employees, with more than 3.500 academic staff (teachers and researchers).