Cosmic: multiplier event in Carpi (Italy)
The event was organized as part of the agenda of the International Festival of Different Abilities (12th edition), organized in Carpi, Italy, each year by Cooperative Nazareno - http://www.nazareno-coopsociale.it/assets/Uploads/Festival-2020-stampa2.pdf The choice of the date, the 6th of October, was made also because of the celebration of the 1st European Carers Day, aspect that was reminded during the event. The event was organized in a double format, both “in presence” and online (through Meet platform). The event was introduced by Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini, expert in sociology of migration. Following to that, the sociologist Davide Samuele Molli presented aresearch conducted in Milan about the use of care services by the migrantpopulation.In the second session, Licia Boccaletti and Casandra Cristea presented theintellectual outputs of the Cosmic project and the event was concluded byLoredana Ligabue, representing the Association of…